Prayer requests

Week of Sunday,  January 19, 2025

Request Made By Those In Grey

Deaconess Lorna Shelby
Deacon James Shelby (wife)
Please keep Deaconess Lorna Shelby in your prayers for her health issues. Please pray for her complete healing and full restoration.
Deacon Robert Charles
Please keep Deacon Robert Charles in your prayer for his serious health issues. Please pray for his speedy recovery, complete healing and restoration.
Lewis Morris
Debra Morris (husband)
Please keep Lewis Morris in your prayer for his health issues. Please pray for his complete healing and total restoration.
Ieecha Harvey
Marvin & Linda Davis (niece)
Please keep Marvin Davis' niece, Ieecha Harvey in your prayers for her serious health issues. Please pray for complete healing and total restoration.
John Clayton
Irma Leonard (nephew)
Please keep John Clayton in your prayers for his safety and well being.
Dixie Everett
Irma Leonard (sister)
Please keep Dixie Everett in your prayers for her health issues. Please pray for her complete healing and restoration.
Phyllis Everett
Irma Leonard (cousin)
Please keep Phyllis Everett in your prayers for her health issues. Please pray for her complete healing and restoration.
Delores Callegari
Yolanda Callegari-Burton (mother)
Please keep Yolanda's mother, Delores Callegari in your prayers for her health issues. Please pray for her complete healing and full restoration.
Greg & Dorothy Tilley
Please keep Greg & Dorothy Tilley in your prayers.
Kesha Traylor & family
Please keep Kesha Traylor and her family in your prayers, her husband has been hospitalized. Please pray for positive outcome, complete healing and full restoration.
Diane Alexander
Please keep Diane Alexander in your prayers, she had surgery on January 13th. Please pray for her speedy recovery, complete healing and total restoration.
John & Renee Isaac
Khadija Reeves (friend)
Please keep John and Renee Isaac in your prayers, they lost their home during the Pacific Palisades fires. Please pray for restoration and their spirits.
Ligia Rodrigues Silva de Carvalho
Nancicley Silva (friend)
Please keep Ligia Rodrigues Silva de Carvalho in your prayers for her health issues. Please pray for her complete healing and restoration.
Carol Anderson
Pernell & Barbara Hamlin (mother)
Please keep Barbara Hamlin and family in your prayers, her 93 year old mother, Carol Anderson is dealing with some serious health issues. Please pray for her complete healing & restoration.
Mary Woodruff
Please keep Mary Woodruff in your prayers for her health issues. Please pray for her complete healing and total restoration.
Kennan Handy
Sandra Spencer (nephew)
Please keep Kennan Handy in your prayer for his serious health issues. Please pray for his complete healing and total restoration.
Family of Derek Mason
Paulette Rasberry (nephew)
Please keep Paulette Rasberry and her family in your prayers, her nephew, Derek Mason passed away on January 15th. Please keep the family in your prayers during their time of bereavement.
Leo & De De Tillie & Family
Please keep Leo & De De Tillie and their family in your prayers, Leo's sister Deborah passed away on January 15th. Please keep the family in your prayers during their time of bereavement.
Family of Anthony & Justin Mitchell
Jacqueline McDaniels (brother-in-law & nephew)
Please keep Jacqueline McDaniels and her family in your prayers, her brother-in-law, Anthony and nephew, Justin Mitchell both passed away in the Altadena fires. Please pray for peace and comfort for the family during this very difficult time.



Walking in the Will of God
Romans 12:1; James 4:7-8: Rom 12:2; James 4:10; 2 Cor 5:17


Walking in the Love of God
1 Cor 13:4-8; John 13:34; Gal 5:14; Matt 22:37-39


Rejoicing in the Resurrection of Our Lord
2 Cor 13:11: Philp 4:6-7; Psalm 4:8; 2 Thes 3:16; Col 3:15


Walking in the Joy of the Lord
John 11:23-26: Luke: 24:6-7; 1 Thess 4:14; Matt 28:5-6; 1 Peter 1:3: 1 Cor 15:3-4


Walking in the Hope of Jesus Christ
Isaiah 14:10; Duet 31:8; Matt 11:28-29; John16:33; Psalm 32:8; Psalm 37:23-24;


Embracing the Grace of God
Eph.2:4-5, Titus 3:5, Heb 4:15-16; James 3:17; 1 Peter 1:3




Walking in the Liberty of Christ
2 Cor 3:17; John 8:36; Gal 5:13-14; Psalm 119:45; Acts 13:38-39; Romans 6:22
Sabbath Rest - Resting in the Lord
Psalm 62:1-2; Psalm 91:1; Psalm 116:7; Jeremiah 6:16; Psalms 23:1-2; Matt. 11:28-30; Heb. 4:9-11
Embracing the Eternal Salvation of God
Hebrews 10:24-25; Rom 8:1-3; Heb 13:1-3; Jam1:7; Mark 2:17




Embracing the Unity in Christ
Col.2:2-3; James 3:17; 1 Cor 1:30; James 1:5; Prov.2:6
Expressing  Our Gratitude
Duet 20:4; 1 Cor 15:57; Prov. 21:31; I John 5:4
Rejoicing in the Birth of Christ
Lk. 12:8-9; Jn. 8:12; Rom. 5:1, 8:1; Gal. 3:26; Eph.1: 7-10; Phil. 4:19